Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the staff at GUST!

Meet the Staff

Guidance, Inspiration and Support
 Senior Leadership Team
Nigel Grant, DipHE, BA (Hons) Ed. (1st Class)

Acting Headteacher, Teaching and Learning, Secondary SENCo, Exams Officer, IQA & Mental Health Lead

Matthew Tindale

Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Gillian Tindale

Assistant Headteacher, Nurture SENCo

Rebecca Cutts

School Bursar & Business Manager

  Teaching Staff 
Thomas McDermott

Nurture Lead and Class Teacher

Mohammad Hossan

Teacher of Mathematics and Science

Isobel Smith

Primary Teacher

Daniel McIntosh

Teacher of Mathematics, Science and ICT, Educational Visit Co-ordinator

Rachel Gray

Teacher Of English , Beauty Tutor

Jamie Davison

Motor Vehicle Tutor, British Values Teacher, Student Mentor

Daniel Barnes

Construction Tutor, First Aid Lead, History Tutor

Tina Cooper

Teaching Assistant

Ian Hornsby

Teaching Assistant

David Harlin

Teaching Assistant

Abbie Kirsopp

Teaching Assistant

Jackie Walsh

Canteen Manager